Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions

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25/01/2024 17:41

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Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions

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The project "Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions" is a series of volunteer activities carried out by the officers and staff of the Level 2 Field Hospital of Vietnam in South Sudan. The project focuses on improving the living and working environment for United Nations (UN) officers and staff as well as the local population in the area, enhancing awareness of environmental protection for UN personnel and the local community. The project is implemented at the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Field Office in South Sudan.

Implementing agencies

  • Category

    Project Category

  • Date time

    2021 - Nay

Part 1

Starting background of the project/

In the period 2021-2022, the nation of South Sudan is confronted with numerous difficulties and challenges. These include an unstable security situation, the complex evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, and notably, the largest flood disaster in the past 60 years. In addition, in South Sudan as a whole and specifically in Bentiu State, social welfare issues face considerable difficulties, and environmental concerns have not received adequate attention from the local government while participating countries have yet to take specific actions.

In March 2021, after taking over duties from the preceding unit in the Unity Sector, the Vietnamese Level 2 Field Hospital No. 3 (FHD 2.3) stationed at the UNMISS Field Office in Bentiu, South Sudan, recognized the severity of environmental issues at the deployment site and the living environment of the local population. Immediately, FHD 2.3 set the task of taking prompt action to support the UN mission as well as the local community.

In addition to the challenges in political, economic, and social aspects, the multinational, multicultural, multilingual environment, limited financial resources, and personnel constraints also pose obstacles to the FHD 2.3 officers. Nevertheless, with a spirit of solidarity and compassion, FHD 2.3 remains determined to fulfill the set mission.

Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 6.

Part 2

Goals and motivation for implementation of the project


  1. Ensure a clean, safe, and sustainable living and working environment for UN officers and staff as well as the local community in South Sudan.
  2. Raise awareness and consciousness about environmental protection among the national government, the local community, and UN officers and staff.
  3. Foster a positive energy spread in environmental protection activities, encouraging individuals and groups to collaborate in protecting the environment, especially the younger generation and students in schools.
  4. Showcase the image of Vietnam as a friendly, peace-loving nation with a "green culture, green lifestyle" to international friends. Simultaneously, consider environmental protection as part of the mission to prevent conflicts and safeguard peace for the nation of South Sudan and worldwide.
Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 9.

Part 3

Activities and scope of implementation

The project is implemented in the peacekeeping area of the United Nations in the country of South Sudan, specifically in:

  • Unit premises, residential, and working areas of UN staff.
  • Local communities.
  • Local authorities, and schools in Bentiu State.
  • International units, UN units in the sector, and other sectors within the UNMISS mission.

Key activities include:

  • Planning and constructing clean and orderly unit areas; actively planting and caring for greenery and vegetables within and outside the unit premises.
  • Collaborating with units from Pakistan, India, Mongolia, etc., to collect waste and plastic bottles in the working and resting areas of the Sector; conducting checks and guidance on waste sorting and treatment at six international units stationed within the base.
  • Recycling daily waste into gift products, symbols, and toys for students and local children.
  • Planting trees within the unit, in the sector, in agencies, and schools in the peacekeeping area; donating and planting trees in other sectors within the UNMISS mission.
  • Conducting awareness campaigns and guidance for local people on epidemic prevention and environmental hygiene at schools, residential areas, hospitals, etc.
  • Conserving clean water and energy resources, organizing digging, and using daily household water tanks for equipment cleaning as well as watering greenery and vegetables within the unit.
  • Collaborating with the media agencies of various countries and the UNMISS mission to effectively disseminate information about the activities and models to UN officers and staff, and the local population through domestic and international media.
Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 15.

Part 4

Project innovation/ invention

  • Collecting and recycling various types of plastic waste, aluminum cans, ropes, stones, etc., into meaningful gifts, utilities, decorative artworks, study tools, and various types of toys for multiple activities and purposes.
  • Collecting seeds of flowering plants, fruit-bearing trees, and valuable plants to create a nursery garden; planting and gifting trees to various units, international friends, and the local community within and outside the sector.
  • Collecting and using stones to create a map of the homeland of Vietnam, as well as flags and maps of other countries in the stationed areas (Pakistan, Cambodia, Japan, etc.).
  • Utilizing surplus wood from shipping crates to make study desks for schools.
  • Using environmentally friendly tools and equipment for hospitality and as gifts for guests.
Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 21.

Part 5

Implementation and cost

  1. Implementing awareness campaigns and education on environmental hygiene; planning, cleaning, and rearranging living and working areas of the unit to ensure cleanliness, safety, sufficient green space, and a pleasant, well-ventilated environment. This includes planting and caring for shade trees and transforming vacant land into vegetable gardens.
  2. Combining epidemic prevention checks within the sector with the promotion and mobilization of other international units to jointly protect the living and working environment:
  • Collaborating with units from Pakistan, as well as other international units and UN staff, to protect the environment, and maintain hygiene in public areas, workplaces, and rest areas.
  • Collaborating with Level 1 field hospitals from UN missions (such as those from Pakistan, Mongolia, Ghana, etc.) to segregate and safely handle medical waste. (BVDC 2.3 is the only unit operating a medical waste incinerator in Bentiu, ensuring continuous operation and preventing the accumulation of medical waste...)
  • Coordinating with units from Pakistan, Mongolia, etc., to organize medical examinations, provide advice on preventing infectious diseases, and raise awareness about the importance of environmental and personal hygiene for health.

3. Collaborating with UN agencies, local authorities, and organizations to conduct medical examinations, consultations, gift distribution, tree planting, and hygiene activities.

4. Sharing inspiration and meaningful activities through exchanges with units located farther away, outside the stationed area, such as in Malakal, Juba.

5. Coordinating with domestic media agencies, the media of the UN GGHB mission, and the media of countries stationed in the area to propagate and spread the value of environmental protection efforts.

Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 24.

Part 6



Charitable activities have been conducted at schools, hospitals, prisons, refugee camps, etc., in Bentiu State by BVDC 2.3 over the course of 14 months of service.

Part 7

Model expandation potential

With the results achieved, the project has made a lot of noise in the international community, greatly influencing the awareness of environmental protection for the young generation, especially more than 1,000 students at 6 school locations. has been visited and interacted with by BVDC 2.3, currently the project is still being implemented by peacekeeping units and teams of Vietnam as well as other countries in many similar regions and regions around the world. gender.

Vietnamese Green Berets join hands to protect the environment in their stationed areas while performing United Nations peacekeeping missions- Ảnh 25.

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