The circular economy for plastics

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25/01/2024 17:41

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The circular economy for plastics

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The amount of solid waste generated in Vietnam is increasing at a rate of approximately 10% per year. Every day, the country produces more than 60,000 tons of waste, with about 15% of the collected waste being recycled or reused. The remaining waste is either buried in landfills, discharged into water sources, or incinerated outdoors. According to a report by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank, Vietnam wastes nearly USD 3 billion by not recycling all plastic waste from daily activities, contributing to a concerning level of plastic pollution.

Carrying the overarching message for the past 27 years, "Business with responsibility, bringing benefits to people and minimizing environmental impact," Unilever actively promotes initiatives to improve packaging materials. To date, Unilever Vietnam has achieved 63% recyclable or easily decomposable packaging, while reducing 52% of virgin plastic in the production of packaging through direct reduction and the use of recycled plastic. Notably, Unilever's household care products will eliminate 100% of raw materials from environmentally unfriendly fossil carbon. Until now, several products from Omo, Comfort, Sunlight, Cif, and Lifebuoy meet the criteria for water-saving formulas and biodegradability. Moreover, the bottle shells of products from Comfort, Sunlight, Cif, Lifebuoy, and Vim contain 25-100% post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR).

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  • Date time

    Từ 2020 - Nay

Part 1

Starting background of the project/

According to the Market Research Report for Vietnam – Opportunities and Challenges for Plastic Recycling conducted by IFC and the World Bank, annually, up to 2.62 million tons of non-recycled plastic waste lead to the loss of 75% of the plastic material's value, equivalent to USD 2.2 - 2.9 billion each year. The recycling industry in Vietnam has abundant raw materials but is underdeveloped, with a plastic recycling rate of only 33%. The main reason is the low demand for post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR) as the use of virgin plastic is easier and more cost-effective. In Unilever VN's efforts to protect the Earth's greenery, it emphasizes the establishment of a circular economy. This is a sustainable development trend aimed at two goals: addressing the depletion of input resources and addressing environmental pollution during the production and business processes. The circular plastic economy model will be a key driver for the company to achieve the goal of bringing plastic into the recycling loop, simultaneously protecting the environment and increasing economic efficiency.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 6.

Part 2

Goals and motivation for implementation of the project


Unilever has set specific goals for the period from now until 2025: all product packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or easily biodegradable; and a 50% reduction in the use of virgin plastic in production through two activities: reducing the use of virgin plastic and increasing the use of recycled plastic.

The aim is to actively engage and encourage 30 million Vietnamese citizens to participate in and independently practice waste segregation at the source by 2025.

The project is not limited to operating only in District 7 but is expected to expand to Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces, spreading the message of environmental protection and resource reuse.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 9.


Unilever's vision is to drive sustainable development by fulfilling commitments to environmental and social responsibility, aiming for "making sustainable living commonplace." Unilever has three main pillars: Improving the health of the planet; Enhancing the health, confidence, and happiness of people; and Contributing to a fairer, more inclusive society for everyone.

The motivation for the project stems from the vision of improving the health of the planet. This reflects not only responsibility towards the environment but also a focus on caring for and preserving the Earth. Behind this goal is the desire to create a sustainable future where humans and nature coexist harmoniously, with a green lifestyle and environmental awareness.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 13.

Part 3

Activities and scope of implementation

With a determination to minimize plastic waste and foster green economic development, Unilever has developed a plastic management strategy with three main objectives: improving packaging materials to enhance recyclability, reducing the use of virgin plastic, and collecting and recycling more plastic brought to the market.

Unilever has actively collaborated with government agencies, business partners, and supply chains to undertake activities contributing to addressing the plastic waste issue in Vietnam.

In 2020, the "Exchange waste for gifts" model, a community plastic waste collection initiative, was launched in Hanoi, raising awareness and changing habits of waste segregation at the source for over 41,400 households and 32 schools with more than 15,000 students.

This year, Unilever continues to collaborate with the People's Committee of District 7 to implement this regular activity in Ho Chi Minh City. People can sort and bring their waste to collection points to receive gifts. Through its efforts, Unilever aims for each individual and family to understand the crucial role of plastic waste sorting at home to support the return of plastics for serving life and production activities instead of causing environmental pollution.

Additionally, Unilever actively cooperates and partners with supply chain partners such as Central Retail to change habits and enhance consumer awareness right from the point of purchase. With this program, Unilever Vietnam collaborates with value chain partners to support the sorting, collection, and recycling of plastic waste from Shopping Centers. This activity will concretize the model of plastic waste sorting at the source to facilitate waste collection and recycling. It also optimizes the collection of plastic waste through collaborative programs for recycling and supplying PCR plastics to the domestic packaging industry.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 16.

Part 4

Project innovation/ invention

Innovative, creative, and compassionate, Unilever's "Circular Plastic Economy" is not just a project but also an approach towards a sustainable future.

Adhering to three objectives: improving packaging materials to enhance recyclability, reducing the use of virgin plastic, and collecting and recycling more plastic brought to the market, Unilever has undertaken specific actions:

Collaborating with government agencies, business partners, and supply chains to contribute to addressing the plastic waste issue in Vietnam.

Implementing the "Exchange waste for gifts" model, pioneering a community plastic waste collection initiative in Hanoi.

  • Conducting communication campaigns to raise awareness and change habits regarding waste segregation at the source.
  • Collaborating and partnering with supply chain partners to change habits and enhance consumer awareness.
  • Introducing the song "Clasify Plastic," using music as a universal language to spread the recycling message to the younger generation. A revolution in communication: Recognizing the need to change the approach to communication for a deep and widespread impact, the project has innovatively created new and engaging communication campaigns, including the song "Separate Plastic," tailored to resonate with the younger audience.
  • Collaborating with the "Sisters Collecting Bottles" group, focusing not only on enhancing production through recycling but also emphasizing support to improve the community of bottle collectors.
The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 22.

Part 5

Implementation and cost

Building a circular plastic economy is a solution that Unilever has steadfastly pursued for many years. This model addresses two issues: minimizing plastic pollution and conserving resources. Collaborating with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and nearly 30 partners, including recycling businesses, NGOs, and civil society organizations, Unilever has established an alliance to promote actions and initiatives towards a circular plastic economy in Vietnam.

In addition to developing and implementing an effective plastic management strategy internally, Unilever Vietnam has conducted various activities in densely populated areas over the years to raise awareness and change consumption habits responsibly. These efforts aim to help people understand the crucial role of thorough plastic waste segregation at home, supporting the return of plastic for both daily life and production activities, instead of contributing to environmental pollution.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 25.

Part 6



tons of plastic waste collected and recycled in 2020


cork workers are supported


households started classifying waste in Hanoi


households in District 7, HCM participate in "Plastic Circular Economy"


schools with more than 15,000 students participated in "Exchanging trash for gifts"


partners across the supply chain have joined Unilever in committing to climate action

Part 7

Model expandation potential

As a pioneering entity in implementing the circular economy model for plastic waste, the initial successes of the project not only bring encouraging results for Unilever to persist on its journey but also inspire partners within the chain and businesses in Vietnam to strive to build environmentally friendly business activities. This aligns with the direction towards a green economy and sustainable development for both businesses and the country.

The project provides an advanced vision for the future, not only in Vietnam but also with the potential to extend throughout the region, by establishing the foundation for waste segregation at the source. This not only optimizes the waste collection process but also creates conditions for more effective waste sorting, simultaneously raising community awareness of recycling and sustainable waste management.

Through the increased use of recycled plastic, the project aims to reduce the amount of plastic waste released into the environment, alleviate the burden on landfills, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Ultimately, by promoting action among partners and the public, the project will create a wave of awareness of change within the community. Through robust education and communication efforts, people will become more conscious of reducing plastic waste, contributing collectively to the protection of the planet's health—a small action with significant importance.

The circular economy for plastics- Ảnh 26.

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