Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams

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25/01/2024 17:41

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Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams

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Since 2017, the journey of the young individuals in the "Dream Roller" group has brought playgrounds to children in remote and challenging areas across the country. These playgrounds have provided joy and excitement for children throughout the homeland. To date, the project has implemented 24 programs spanning from the North to the South, with over 2,000 recycled tires used to create playgrounds in provinces such as Hà Giang, Bắc Kạn, Điện Biên, Thái Nguyên, Thanh Hóa, Kon Tum, Ninh Thuận, and Cà Mau.

Playgrounds recycled from used tires are a type of play area made from tires that have been previously used. The old tires are cut, drilled, tied, stacked, or assembled to create entertainment equipment such as slides, swings, seesaws, climbing structures, playhouses, and slides. Recycled playgrounds made from used tires bring many benefits for children and the environment. They serve as a fun and green solution for your community. You can repurpose old tires to create interesting and safe playgrounds for children. Encouraging children to participate in the design and construction process helps develop their skills and creativity.

Implementing agencies

  • Category

    Project Category

  • Date time

    Từ 2017 - Nay

Part 1

Starting background of the project/

Context of Establishment

Used tires are one of the types of waste that is difficult to decompose and causes serious environmental pollution. According to estimates, around 1.5 billion tires are produced and consumed globally each year. In Vietnam, the estimated amount of waste tires is around 100,000 tons per year. The current handling of used tires is not closely monitored and managed, leading to many negative consequences for human health and the ecosystem.

On the other hand, children are an important and sensitive demographic in society, especially children in highland, remote, and economically challenged areas. Children in these areas often lack material facilities, safe and creative play spaces, and sustainable environments. According to a UNICEF report in 2019, only 42% of children in rural areas have a playground near their homes. The lack of play spaces not only affects the physical, mental, and intellectual development of children but also reduces their ability to absorb knowledge and life skills.

Given these circumstances, the project "Playgrounds Recycled from Used Tires" was initiated to address two issues simultaneously: protecting the environment and bringing joy to children. The project, launched and implemented by the Wheel of Dreams Enterprise in 2017, aims to build playgrounds for children in difficult regions across the country using recycled tires and other recycled materials. The project not only provides safe, creative, and sustainable play spaces for children but also helps minimize waste and environmental pollution.

Local Infrastructure Shortages

The project is implemented in the northern mountainous provinces and the Central Highlands, where economic and social conditions are challenging, and the poverty rate is high. According to the 2020 report from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the poverty rate in these provinces ranges from 10% to 40%, significantly higher than the national average of 5.23%. These provinces also have a multidimensional poverty rate (based on criteria such as education, health, clean water, housing, communication access, etc.) ranging from 15% to 50%, much higher than the national average of 9.88%.

Due to challenging economic and social conditions, the infrastructure for education and play for children in these provinces is severely lacking. According to the 2019 report from the Ministry of Education and Training, the rate of schools meeting national standards in these provinces ranges from 50% to 80%, lower than the national average of 86.3%. The rate of schools with playgrounds meeting national standards in these provinces ranges from 40% to 70%, lower than the national average of 76.4%. Many schools in remote areas lack basic facilities such as electricity, water, sanitation, and desks and chairs.

Local Demand for Play in Highland Areas

Children are the demographic group with the highest demand and right to play in society. Play is an essential activity for the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental, and intellectual aspects. Play helps children develop physical fitness, health, communication skills, cooperation, sharing, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Play also helps children relieve stress, anxiety, enhance confidence, and find joy in life.

Children in highland areas have the same needs and rights to play as children elsewhere. However, due to challenging economic and social conditions and a lack of basic infrastructure, the needs of children in highland areas for play are not fully and effectively met. Many children in highland areas do not have access to safe, creative, and sustainable play spaces. Many children have to endure polluted, dangerous, and boring play environments. Many children do not have access to suitable play equipment and tools for their age and abilities. Many children do not have access to beneficial and educational play activities and programs.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 6.

Part 2

Goals and motivation for implementation of the project


The project aims to contribute to environmental protection and bring joy to children in difficult regions across the country. To achieve this overarching goal, the project sets specific objectives as follows:

  • Construct playgrounds for children in difficult areas using recycled tires and other recycled materials, combined with extracurricular environmental education activities and the enhancement of solidarity.
  • Minimize waste and environmental pollution caused by used tires while raising awareness and responsibility within the community regarding recycling, environmental protection, and waste reduction.
  • Create safe, creative, and sustainable play spaces for children, helping them develop physical fitness, health, communication skills, cooperation, sharing, creativity, and problem-solving.
  • Scale the recycled playground model to localities and neighboring regions, supporting areas with the need to build playgrounds for children using used tires and other recycled materials.

The project has short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goal is to build at least 10 playgrounds for children in the northern mountainous provinces and the Central Highlands in 2023. The long-term goal is to build at least 100 playgrounds for children in other provinces across the country in the next 5 years.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 9.


The strongest motivation driving the formation and development of the project is love and concern for children and the environment. Wheel of Dreams is a social enterprise operating with the motto "Children's Playgrounds, Adults' Dreams." The group aims to bring dreams to children in difficult areas, providing them with a dynamic and inspiring learning environment and a better quality of life. The group also aspires to fulfill dreams for the environment, promoting a more sustainable planet. The group believes that by constructing recycled playgrounds from used tires, they can contribute to realizing these dreams.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 13.

Part 3

Activities and scope of implementation

The project encompasses the following key activities:

  • Collecting used tires and other recycled materials from various sources such as repair shops, landfills, households, etc.
  • Painting and fabricating play equipment from used tires and other recycled materials, including swings, seesaws, slides, benches, etc.
  • Transporting and installing play equipment at schools in disadvantaged areas nationwide.
  • Organizing extracurricular environmental education activities and fostering solidarity among children at the playgrounds.
  • Managing, maintaining, and evaluating the effectiveness of the playgrounds.
  • Promoting, disseminating, and scaling up the recycled playground model for localities and neighboring regions.

Implementation Scope:

The project is carried out in the northern mountainous provinces and the Central Highlands, where economic and social conditions are challenging, and poverty rates are high. These provinces include: Hà Giang, Cao Bằng, Lào Cai, Yên Bái, Sơn La, Lai Châu, Điện Biên, Hòa Bình, Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Đắk Lắk, and Đắk Nông. From 2017 to 2023, the project has successfully built 24 playgrounds nationwide. The project aims to construct at least 10 playgrounds for children in these provinces in 2023.


The project has positive impacts on the beneficiaries, which are children in disadvantaged areas across the country. These impacts include:

Minimizing waste and environmental pollution caused by used tires, concurrently raising awareness and responsibility within the community regarding recycling, environmental protection, and waste reduction.

Creating safe, creative, and sustainable play spaces for children, helping them develop physical fitness, health, communication skills, cooperation, sharing, creativity, and problem-solving.

Scaling up the recycled playground model to localities and neighboring regions, supporting areas with the need to build playgrounds for children using used tires and other recycled materials.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 16.

Part 4

Project innovation/ invention

The project's standout initiative is the transformation of used tires, a type of hard-to-decompose waste causing environmental pollution, into play equipment for children—a tool supporting their holistic development. This unique, innovative, and socially impactful idea brings distinct significance in the following aspects:

Environmental Aspect: The project helps reduce waste and environmental pollution caused by used tires, simultaneously enhancing community awareness and responsibility regarding recycling, environmental protection, and waste reduction. The project also contributes to the achievement of the United Nations' sustainable development goals, especially Goal 12 on sustainable production and consumption.

Educational Aspect: The project creates safe, creative, and sustainable play spaces for children, aiding in physical fitness, health, communication skills, cooperation, sharing, creativity, and problem-solving. It allows children to engage with and learn about environmental issues and recycling through extracurricular environmental education activities, fostering a sense of solidarity. The project also contributes to achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals, particularly Goal 4 on quality education.

Social Aspect: The project brings joy and happiness to children in disadvantaged areas across the country, especially those in remote, mountainous, and economically challenged regions. It also facilitates connections and collaboration among project participants, such as the Wheel of Dreams group, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, local authorities, social organizations, and individuals interested in contributing to the project. The project also contributes to achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals, particularly Goal 3 on health and well-being, Goal 10 on reducing inequality, and Goal 17 on partnerships for the goals.

Distinct Features of the Recycled Playground:

Safety: Every playground constructed by Wheel of Dreams prioritizes safety, and all products undergo thorough quality testing before being put into use.

Innovation: Each creative element in the playground not only enhances the appeal of the equipment but also stimulates the creativity of children in play and learning.

Environmental Friendliness: Wheel of Dreams playgrounds are primarily built from used car tires and other recycled materials. With games made from recycled materials, the playground aims to teach children about recycling and environmental protection.

Cultural Identity: Each Wheel of Dreams playground seeks to highlight local cultural identity by incorporating local traditions, folk games, or indigenous patterns into the playground model.

Inclusivity: Wheel of Dreams playgrounds aspire to make safe and sustainable play spaces accessible to all children, regardless of their economic status, whether they reside in highland or urban areas.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 22.

Part 5

Implementation and cost

More than just a playground, with the desire to inspire young children to effectively utilize recycled waste, safely, without impacting the environment, creating a healthy playground for children. The Wheel of Dreams Playground, in addition to the vibrant tires, incorporates enriching activities such as plastic bottle recycling, tree planting, and providing knowledge about plastic waste and the environment.

More innovative and creative, "people who ask for a child's smile" always create challenges and pressure for themselves to bring the most optimal new solutions to the playground. Leveraging the achieved results, and striving for higher goals, the playground creation activities contribute to the comprehensive development of children in physical and mental aspects. It also plays a role in propagating and educating, enhancing the awareness of children and citizens in terms of thriftiness, flexible use, recycling of old materials for practical work, and meaningful environmental protection.

Each Wheel of Dreams Playground serves as a meeting point, a place for cultural exchange, and beneficial cultural, sports, healthy, and safe activities for children and young people. Beyond being just an entertainment area, when coming to the Dream Wheel Recycling Playground, children will gain a better understanding of recycling, and the environment, and actively engage in small steps towards an eco-friendly lifestyle.

The playground construction model will be based on the playground area and the number of students at the school for design and installation:


Balance bridge module combined with a ladder: 10,000,000 VND

Tire wall module combined with a swing: 10,000,000 VND

4-directional seesaw module: 8,000,000 VND

Single seesaw module (2 pieces): 7,000,000 VND

Decorative animal modules on the playground (2 animals): 4,000,000 VND

Tire seat and table set module: 5,000,000 VND

Individual modules representing local culture, images, patterns, including images, patterns, and simulations: 4,000,000 VND

Transportation and moving costs: 10,000,000 VND

Labor costs: 20,000,000 VND

Project Budget Description for the Dream Wheel Recycling Playground 2023:

Total estimated cost for 1 playground (VND): 78,000,000 VND

* Detailed cost estimates are developed in detail for each playground depending on the locality, method of transportation, and material situation at the time of implementation.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 25.

Part 6



children's smiles from the playground




members nationwide


old tires were recycled

Part 7

Model expandation potential

The recycled playground project from used car tires has a high potential for model replication, as the project possesses the following advantages:

  • The project is feasible and highly effective, as it has been successfully implemented in various locations nationwide, yielding positive impacts on both children and the environment.
  • The project is innovative and uniquely distinctive, transforming old car tires, a challenging-to-dispose-of waste contributing to environmental pollution, into recreational equipment for children, serving as a tool to support comprehensive child development.
  • The project demonstrates high levels of economy and sustainability, utilizing recycled materials for toy production, reducing manufacturing costs, and contributing to environmental preservation. - - The playgrounds can be easily maintained and operated for the long term.

The project has extensive outreach and support, fostering collaboration among project participants, such as the Wheel of Dreams Foundation, the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union, local authorities, social organizations, and individuals interested in and contributing to the project. The project has also promoted and disseminated the recycled playground model to various localities and neighboring regions.

The Wheel of Dreams Foundation calls for solidarity in the extensive program, aiming to provide numerous playgrounds for highland ethnic schools and more challenging regions. The collective support will contribute to bringing greater joy to children nationwide. The program, undertaken by the Dream Wheel Foundation, signifies its evolution from a self-driven volunteer group into a social enterprise, aspiring to deliver the best values to children through more scalable and efficient operations.

Recycled Playground - Wheel of Dreams- Ảnh 26.

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