Phuong Minh Farm

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25/01/2024 17:41

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Phuong Minh Farm

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Phuong Minh Farm is one of the pioneering farms in implementing high-tech agricultural projects in the region, aiming to improve the quality of agricultural products and promote sustainable farming practices. Their guiding philosophy is "Responsible Farming," emphasizing responsibility to the community and the environment.

By steadfastly adhering to VietGap and GlobalGap standards, Phuong Minh Farm not only provides high-quality products but also contributes to sustainable job creation for the local community. This project represents more than just innovation in farming; it's a robust step towards socio-economic development in the region.

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Part 1

Starting background of the project/

People from an ethnic minority - the residents of Hang Hot village in Mê Linh commune, Lâm Hà district, Lâm Đồng province, are primarily dependent on farming coffee, corn, and various types of flowers. Despite the richness of the land in this region, their income remains quite meager.

The primary reason for their low income is the inefficient farming practices, heavy reliance on middlemen for selling their produce, which makes them unable to dictate prices, and the unregulated deforestation that many individuals engage in to create arable land, causing difficulties in their lives. What's most heart-wrenching is that many children here are forced to abandon their education to contribute to their family's labor.

Furthermore, the lack of developed transportation infrastructure and inadequate skills training are also contributing factors that hamper the lives of the local population. While the agriculture in this region has potential, it hasn't been efficiently exploited and harnessed.

In light of this situation, Phuong Minh Farm emerges as a practical solution. The project doesn't just bring about economic benefits through modern farming standards but also strives to improve the lives and income of the local residents and, importantly, creates educational opportunities for the children.

Phuong Minh Farm is more than just an agricultural farm; it's a social project with a community-oriented mission, bringing dreams and hopes to the land of Lâm Đồng for a brighter future.

Part 2

Goals and motivation for implementation of the project

Phuong Minh Farm aims to be more than just a leading agricultural farm; it aspires to be a model of sustainable development and social responsibility.

1. It contributes to building a healthy and efficient agricultural environment with a commitment to responsibility towards everyone, including farmworkers, consumers, the community, society, and especially the environment.

2. The project establishes a high-tech agricultural farm model that adheres to VietGap/GlobalGap standards, ensuring sustainability in production, while also creating economic value for the farm and the community.

3. It raises income levels for local residents, contributing to an improved quality of life and socioeconomic stability in the region.

4. Phuong Minh Farm spreads knowledge about sustainable agriculture, a love for nature, and a sense of responsibility to the community.

Part 3

Activities and scope of implementation

Phuong Minh Farm demonstrates a profound commitment to developing a sustainable, responsible, and efficient agricultural model:

1. Establishment of a high-tech agricultural farm: Instead of investing in generic farming models, the project has chosen a different path, investing in and developing a high-tech agricultural model, employing advanced technologies and rigorous management processes. This aims to elevate the quality of agricultural products and drive progress and innovation in the entire agricultural sector of the region.

2. Adherence to VietGap and GlobalGap standards: Ensuring product quality and safety, the project applies VietGap standards from the initial stages and gradually transitions to the international GlobalGap standard. This aims to meet the stringent market demands both domestically and internationally.

3. Prioritizing the recruitment and training of local labor: The project not only creates employment opportunities but also upholds a strong commitment to the local community. It does this by hiring local residents and imparting knowledge, skills, and a professional work ethos to them, enabling them to develop professionally.

4. Prioritizing the application of sustainable environmental standards: Every operational decision, from technical aspects to fertilizers, and crop varieties at Phuong Minh Farm, is meticulously considered with an emphasis on environmental sustainability. The farm doesn't just ensure effective production but also ensures sustainability, minimizes environmental impact and strives for green development goals.

Part 4

Project innovation/ invention

In the context of Vietnam's agriculture gradually shifting towards modern, clean, and sustainable farming models, Phuong Minh Farm has identified and addressed the challenges associated with implementing high-tech agriculture in remote and rural areas.

1. Substantial Investment and Economies of Scale: Despite initial challenges stemming from changing local farming habits and practices, the project continues to invest substantially on a large scale to optimize costs and enhance production efficiency.

2. Strengthening Transportation and Connectivity: The project invested in infrastructure, such as road construction and purchasing trucks, to ensure smooth and fast product transportation to consumers.

3. Training and Development of Local Labor: Instead of merely hiring labor, the project chose to recruit and train local labor, enabling them to acquire knowledge, skills, and a professional work ethos. This not only improves the quality of the workforce but also contributes positively to local socioeconomic development.

4. Expanding High-Tech Farming Collaborations: In addition to investing in greenhouse construction, equipment, and other costs, the company also provides technical guidance to local farmers and ensures the purchase of their products meets the required standards. This helps create a sustainable value chain, benefiting both the company and the local community.

Part 5

Implementation and cost

Emphasizing local labor as a crucial element for the sustainable development of the project, Phuong Minh Farm has firmly invested in the training process, improving the knowledge, skills, and work ethos of each local resident.

Furthermore, strengthening cooperation and sponsorship for social activities, in close collaboration with respected figures in the village or community, has helped Phuong Minh Farm build trust among local residents and local authorities.

Currently, the project maintains a workforce of more than 50 regular employees, of which up to 90% are local ethnic minorities. The average wage for unskilled labor ranges from 5,500,000 to 6,500,000 VND per person per month. Notably, according to local customs, most of the project's labor force consists of women.

Moreover, the project frequently hires seasonal labor from nearby areas to support families and the community during times of need.

Another proud achievement is that the school attendance rate for children in this area has increased to nearly 100%, a remarkable advancement compared to the 5% rate recorded five years ago. This demonstrates the effectiveness and positive impact of Phuong Minh Farm on the local community.

Part 6





greenhouse with a scale of 3 hectares


regular workers


of workers are ethnic minorities


tons of agricultural products/year meet Vietgap and Global Gap standards

Part 7

Model expandation potential

With over 7 years of building and developing, the Phuong Minh Farm model has proven its ability to create stable economic benefits, a prerequisite for the long-term development of many economic models in the future.

In addition, by applying VietGap and advancing towards GlobalGap standards, along with a focus on producing clean agricultural products, the project has not only improved the value of its products but also expanded opportunities to access high-end markets. This creates a competitive advantage and higher income.

The economic feasibility of the model is also demonstrated by maximizing local resources, from labor and raw materials to support from the community and local authorities. As a result, operating costs are optimized, and there is trust and support from the local people.

The Phuong Minh Farm model is not limited to its current scale but has the potential to be scaled up, bringing benefits to other regions and contributing to the transformation of high-tech agriculture in Vietnam.

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