My Day - Ngay cua Em

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My Day - Ngay cua Em

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"My Day - Ngay Cua Em" is a non-profit educational project initiated in 2013 in Germany and first implemented in Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam, in 2014. To date, the project has been deployed in 6 locations nationwide.

The project aims to equip children under 15 years old in rural areas across Vietnam with basic skills in photography, video recording, and essential soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and creativity. Over its 10-year existence and development, the "My Day - Ngày của em" project has enabled Vietnamese children to actively participate, sharing with both Vietnamese and global audiences insights into rural life in Vietnam through the lens of these young individuals across the country.

Implementing agencies

  • Category

    Project Category

  • Date time

    2013 - Nay

Part 1

Starting background of the project/

"My Day - Ngày Của Em" was born against the backdrop of Ms. Vũ Bích Hồng (Rosy Vũ), the project's founder, conducting missions in Europe around 2013. During this time, she recognized that Vietnamese children lacked opportunities to access the art of photography and engage in constructive activities to encourage learning and creativity. Born and raised in a poor rural area in Thanh Hoa province, after participating in the "ForestClim" project of the European Union with an office in Germany in the role of Creative Director, Ms. Bích Hồng saw the difficulties that children in her homeland faced on the journey to becoming global citizens.

With a heart directed towards her homeland and a desire to do something to improve the playground for children in her hometown, Ms. Bích Hồng founded the "My Day - Ngày Của Em" project. The project aims to provide all Vietnamese children with opportunities for play, learning, and expression in various fields to voice their opinions. Through this, they can affirm their roles in the community, draw valuable lessons, awaken hidden dreams, and strive to turn those dreams into reality.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 6.

Part 2

Goals and motivation for implementation of the project


Create opportunities for disadvantaged children in poor rural areas of Vietnam, aged 9-15, to access cameras and learn photography skills, while describing their daily lives through photos. The project aims to help these children discover their hidden photographic abilities. With support in camera usage skills and the ability to capture beautiful images, the children explore the values, meanings, and beauty of life, expressing their stories authentically through photos.

Organize photo exhibitions locally to provide farmers with the opportunity to participate in a unique cultural activity, where the photographers are their children, and the creative subjects are the lives around them.

Become a sustainable community education project and transfer to local organizations (youth unions) in each locality, and each school, and operate independently with local resources, personnel, and funding.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 9.


The motivation for the project's maintenance and development primarily comes from providing children in poor rural areas with an additional playground where they can increase confidence, learn teamwork, and take pride in seeing their work travel across the country. This encouragement and positive recognition empower the children to express themselves more confidently in the community, gaining more empowerment.

Furthermore, through exhibitions, stories about people, culture, and landscapes in various Vietnamese rural regions, along with real-life stories told through the eyes of children, have garnered much sympathy and impression from readers. This has also become a driving force for the project implementers to make efforts to spread and replicate this model

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 13.

Part 3

Activities and scope of implementation

The project provides children with skills in photography, video recording, and essential soft skills, including teamwork, communication, and creativity.

Utilizing the form of storytelling through images (photovoice) as a tool for students to express themselves and explore life around them. Documenting stories through images creates a natural and friendly approach for students to easily perceive various perspectives on life, helping them confidently voice their opinions, participate in solving local issues, and become agents of change in the community.

Creating a space for students to practice creating media products to promote the image of their community, igniting love and pride for their homeland.

After 10 years of existence and operation, "My Day - Ngày Của Em" now possesses a collection of tens of thousands of photos taken and described by children, depicting everyday life in the project areas. It has hosted dozens of photo exhibitions both nationally and internationally, warmly received by the audience. Thousands of postcards featuring the peaceful rural life of Vietnam have also been sent by the project's founder, Ms. Bích Hồng, to friends around the world in recent years.

As of the current date, the project has been implemented in 6 provinces and cities nationwide, including Thanh Hóa, Ho Chi Minh City, Tây Ninh, Lâm Đồng, Bình Thuận, and Lai Châu.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 16.

Part 4

Project innovation/ invention

The project establishes a model designed as a practical and useful extracurricular program where children not only engage with art but also enhance their creative abilities, unleash latent potentials, and develop soft skills.

Photography is a discipline that combines technology and art, allowing children to succinctly and vividly tell everyday stories for easy reception by viewers. Children in the project's age group have a very authentic and unique perspective. The stories they convey represent their voices and need to be recognized by adults to help them maintain an active role in learning and life.

Furthermore, the photos and achievements from the project can be used in various fields such as local documentation, materials for local tourism development, and cultural stories depicting regional culture, people, and landscapes of Vietnam, among others.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 22.

Part 5

Implementation and cost

The project team seeks out localities and collaborates with local authorities and schools to gather suitable children, forming groups. Each group will share a camera (loaned cameras are old ones donated by supporters). The children are guided on photography skills to start creating their first photos. They also receive feedback on each photo, how to improve, and create better pictures. Subsequently, the children receive cameras and independently create their own artworks.

Exhibition sessions are organized locally, attracting residents, including grandparents, parents of "young photographers," and the children themselves. Prizes for selected photo authors include small cameras, allowing the children to continue their artistic endeavors and enrich their mental lives.

Additionally, the project organizes exhibitions in major cities. Since city students mostly lack opportunities to visit rural areas, through authentic photos, they gain new perspectives on the country's regions and the lives of peers from different backgrounds. This experience encourages them to share more, nurtures feelings of love for people, nature, and animals around them, fosters connections among the younger generation, gradually bridging the gap between rural and urban areas.

Funding for the project comes from individuals and contributions from friends, as well as close relatives. The proceeds from the sale of photos at exhibitions are entirely allocated to the Scholarship Fund for the localities where the participating children come from.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 25.

Part 6



children participated in the project


exhibitions and displays in Vietnam


International exhibitions and displays


locations in Vietnam the project is implemented

Part 7

Model expandation potential

Over the past 10 years of implementation, "My Day - Ngày Của Em" has progressively expanded and proven to be a replicable model.

In 2013, the project was first implemented in Thanh Hoá with 70 students aged 8-15, generating nearly 10,000 photos. Among them, the top 200 photos were exhibited nearly 20 times domestically and internationally. Subsequently, the project continued in Ho Chi Minh City, Tây Ninh, Đạ Tẻ - Lâm Đồng, Mũi Né – Bình Thuận, leaving unforgettable impressions on residents. It made a certain impact as it was chosen to participate in international exhibitions selected by the Consulate General of Vietnam to introduce contemporary Vietnamese rural culture.

The project envisions expanding the photography teaching model to impoverished rural children in various locations across Vietnam, particularly in mountainous areas and areas with ethnic minority populations facing challenging living conditions.

My Day - Ngay cua Em- Ảnh 26.

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